Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Monday's Studio Progress

I spent the best day yesterday with my builder Rosco and his lovely wife Zena.....
I was the apprentice Insulation Installer!
The brand is called Earth Wool and was easy to install...
Very natural feeling....
I am feeling like a bit of a pro installer but I must
 say it made me itchy by the time I got around all the sides....
And then Yay! My Builder Rosco nailed
up the first sheet of wall paneling.....
Insert happy dance here and lots of excitement and itching....Lol!
The back and end walls are now all complete.....
I had lots of fun being the trades assistant yesterday....
The barn style ceiling requires a bit of extra
framework  to fix the plasterboard to.....
Rosco is pretty clever so I am sure he will fix that up easily...
We worked our way around to this section today and one
 more sheet was added leaving just one to go.....
We  had to stop at around 5.30pm cause we were out of sufficient
 light so that will be first job today........... 
This was my little Studio last night....
Proof there is progress happening this week....
And it is....Yay Yay Yay!
Well must go as we are working on the last sheet and all the door
 and window trims today and the start of the plasterboard ceiling...
Oh and my promotion to Ceiling Insulation expert.....
I feel itchy already!!!!
Have a great day and stay tuned for the next progress post....


Dasha said...

Wow. You were up early to post this!! Good to see progress on that front too.

Cheryl (aka Kayly) said...

Wear a hard hat, trust me, wear a hard hat. Signed, Regular Apprentice.
Actually, it all looks wonderful and will soon be finished.

Queen Of The Armchair aka Dzintra Stitcheries said...

Yay getting there Kate!

Susan said...

I am so happy for you Kate.
And although its hard work you will feel a real sense of achievement when its all done.

Chookyblue...... said...

ohlala.........the shed is coming along well.......

Christine M said...

Oooo! It's coming along nicely, Kate. I love that wall panelling .

Anonymous said...

nearly champagne time kate,looking good.xx

Daisy Jayne said...

Kate .... looking great ...it is all so exciting thanks for sharing the journey

Michelle said...

Wow Kate, you will be finished in no time! Looking good, can't wait to see how you decorate!?

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