Monday, 20 August 2012

Gathering, Gathering, Gathering!

Lots of gathering and pinning been going on at my house....
I am making a valance for my vintage bed.....
Not bad weather to be cosied up on the
lounge with a pile of fabric in your lap.....
 I have the two sides on and am still gathering the bottom and
 then it will be hemming, hemming. hemming....ha ha!
Can't wait to get it on my bed....
Until next time, Happy Stitching



Susan said...

I think you would need all the extra warmth you can get today! It will look lovely when it's all finished.

De said...

Love ruffles but they seem never ending especially when its something as big as a bed!

Lyn said...

That is a lot of fabric to gather, but it will look wonderful on that lovely bed you showed in a previous post.

Anonymous said...

well done Kate it will be finished before you know it.xx

Deb R said...

Whoa dont envy you there! Cant wait to see it on your bed !!

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