Sunday, 18 January 2015

Building A Design Wall Part One

I am building a design wall for my Studio and thought I would share the process with you all.
I did a bit of research on pinterest before starting this project and found quite a lot of options. A lot were foam insulation boards covered with wadding or flannelette sheets. Others were just fabric sheets hanging on the wall that you could pin to. I am going to use wadding to cover some foam insulation boards that I purchased from a builders supplier. I am making quite a large design wall and wanted it to be secure so I opted to build a frame around it. First job was to gather the necessary tools, timber and paint stain for the job. I chose maple with a bull nose edge for the outer frame and a basic rectangular maple for the inner frame......
This is the spot that I will be using to create my design wall....
Yay! Excited and nervous at this stage....
I took some measurements and it will be 186cm by 278cm....
Ruled a nice straight line to use as a guide for the first side...
I then used my tenon saw and box to cut nice square lines...
I was going to buy a drop saw but thought this
 option may have been a little safer....LOL 
I then stained the edges of the maple before I secured
 it to the wall so I didn't have to do it afterwards....
Then the fun and games began because not one length of
 timber was straight so lots of drilling and pulling
 and pushing to get it nice and level...
After many hours I finally had one side screwed up on the wall,
It was however very straight and very level....
This carpentry business is very hard work!!!!
Next I secured the top piece to the wall and used an offcut
 of timber and my spirit level to straighten it up.....Phew!
Bottom piece went on next and by now it was
 nice to sit on the floor and take a rest....
I wouldn't like to be paying me by the hour! 
Ta Dah! Inner frame up and as square and straight as possible.
Isn't it nice and big....Insert Happy Dance here :)
This is the foam insulation sheeting that I am using....
It is 120 by 270cm's and 16mm thick....
The foam is a few mm narrower than the timber I used so once
covered with wadding will fit snugly into the frame....
I will then put another frame over the top to hold it all together.
Call back tomorrow if you would like to see what I do next...
Until next time, Happy Stitching



barb's creations said...

WOW I can't wait to see the finished frame! What a great idea :) Barb.

creations.1 said...

You go girl!!! By the time you are finished your studio you won't need your house - you will be a studio recluse!!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Wow! Super impressed here. You're so very clever xx

Anita : Shabby Quilt said...

very good idea. Wish I had room for one of these.
You are so handy.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Wow Missnkate lots happening x

Susan said...

Maybe you could change careers?..
Looking great Kate

Googy Girl said...

Looking great, you are so clever

Fiona@Dragonfly-Crafts said...

WOW see who needs a MAN !!!
Well done

Chookyblue...... said...

the design wall looks great...........

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